Leela’s Top Picks: How to Keep Rising – Tips to Conquer Adversity!

Social inclusion takes many forms in the world of social justice.  Occasionally, it’s the voice of an immigrant woman forging, not a path, but a highway, for others to follow. 

Leela Ramdeen, simply by her nature can be considered a pioneering and commanding figure.  A woman of mixed-race descent, with a powerful voice and passion for human rights.  Leela, understands adversity all too well, “I can tell you, that my journey on my career path over the years has not been an easy one”.  Yet, she did consistently rise, and has been celebrated at institutions as prominent as the Vatican. 

This brings us to Leela’s “top tips to keep rising and conquer adversity”.

1.     A deep commitment to God has carried Leela for much of her life.  In her own words:

‘As a Catholic, I truly believe that, since God has given each of us talents/gifts, we should share these generously – as servant-leaders; as part of our commitment to building the common good. My mantra continues to be:

“Change the world, Lord, and start with me.”

Each one of us can make a difference. I urge you to start volunteering in your community/country etc. You will be amazed at the knowledge, skills and expertise you will gain. As Pope Francis said at World Youth Day (2013), “The culture of selfishness and individualism that often prevails in our society, is not…what builds up and leads to a more habitable world: rather, it is a culture of solidarity that does so; the culture of solidarity means seeing others not as rivals or statistics, but brothers and sisters. And we are all brothers and sisters!”




2.     Embrace volunteerism! Share your talents/skills to build the common good.
“Work for a cause, not for applause.”

Pope Francis’ words are noteworthy: “Do not be content to live a mediocre Christian life… The world tells us to seek success, power and money. God tells us to seek humility, service and love.” 

Leela, throughout her 40+ of service, has certainly “walked this talk” having tirelessly served on many committees that fought for equality in society such as, Co-Chair, Britain’s Anti-Racist Alliance (with Ken Livingstone, then Mayor of London), Co-President of UK’s National Black Alliance of Asian, African & Caribbean Organisations, Vice-President – National Assembly Against Racism, UK, Member, National Board of Catholic Women: England and Wales, Vice-Moderator, Council of Churches for Britain & Ireland: Churches Commission for Racial Justice and Chair, Westminster’s Asian, African & Caribbean Catholic Committee.  

3.     #Metoo… Yet, when you slip and fall, get up and keep going. 

“Like many women, the journey has not been easy. [During a particular period in my life] I lived about 5 miles from work and after work, I had to walk about 1 mile to attend evening classes at a Polytechnic to study for my A’Levels. I remember weeping one night when I kept slipping and falling in the snow… And on another night a student in my class who had a crush on me followed me, grabbed me and tried to kiss me. I pulled away, leaving him with my coat in his hand. I never knew I could run so fast! I had to enrol at another College to avoid any further problems.”

It is often said that many in this world stand on the shoulders of giants.  Leela Ramdeen is a spiritual tower that has shone a light on injustice, despite racial and gender challenges along the way.  We can all use her example to “dive deep” into our spiritual reserves and rise to conquer another day! 

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