Bishop Charles approaches milestone 

Bishop Emeritus Charles

Bishop Emeritus Charles 

By Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ & Director, CREDI 

“We are all sent to do God’s work but we must allow ourselves to be like a pencil in His hands if He is to use us effectively” – Bishop Emeritus Sydney A Charles. 

On Sunday, May 18, 2014, Bishop Emeritus of St George’s in Grenada Sydney Anicetus Charles will celebrate 60 years of ordination to the priesthood at a Mass at St Joseph’s RC Church, St Joseph, at 10.00 a.m. 
Archbishop Joseph Harris will be the main celebrant. Cardinal Kelvin Felix and Papal Nuncio Archbishop Nicola Girasoli will also be present.  The theme that Bishop Emeritus Charles has chosen is The Almighty has done great things for me, Holy is His name.   

I am honoured to be part of the Planning Committee, which comprises mainly members of his family. Other members are Peter and Clare Charles, Fr Benedict Hilaire, Sr Phyllis Wharfe SJC, Fr Matthew D’Hereaux, Fr Karol Wielgosz, OP, Nicole Alexis Charles, Vernon Khelawan, and Gerard Pemberton. 
We also plan to publish a booklet about Bishop Emeritus Charles’ life and of his service to both T&T and Grenada.   

Bishop Emeritus Charles was born in St Joseph, Trinidad, to Mary and Albert Charles (affectionately known as “Ma Toute” and “Pa Bert”) on April 17, 1926. He was the eleventh of twelve children and the last of ten boys. He was baptised on May 23, 1926 at St Joseph RC Church and made his First Holy Communion and 
Confirmation on November 25, 1934 at that same church. 

He attended the Catholic boys’ school in the area – known then as Eligon Primary School (now St Joseph Boys’ RC) and later on Nelson Street Boys’ RC School. He received his secondary education at Osmond High School and St Mary’s College. He joined the Civil Service in April 1945 and spent three years there, leaving on Thursday, April 29, 1948. Having discerned his vocation to the priesthood, he entered the Seminary of St John Vianney & the Uganda Martyrs on Saturday, May 1, 1948 and was ordained a priest on March 7, 1954. For many years he served faithfully as parish priest – in San Juan, Arima, Chaguanas, Carapichaima, and the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. 

On November 18, 1974, he was appointed Bishop of St George’s in Grenada and was ordained Bishop on January 26, 1975. He retired on July 10, 2002 and continues to live in Grenada and to serve the people of God. 

Here is a devout, humble, faithful Christian whose entire ministry as a priest and Bishop has been devoted to the service of God and to humankind. He is a true witness to the love that Christ wants us to have for Him and for our neighbour. He continues to touch so many lives through sacramental service, preaching and pastoral ministry. 

As he celebrates 60 years of ordination to the priesthood, I wish to share my own memories of Bishop Emeritus Charles, whom I have known since my early childhood. He baptised my six siblings and has been a lifelong friend of our family. Indeed, when we lived in London, our home was his home whenever he visited. I recall an incident when one of my nephews was about three years old and the Bishop visited us for a few days. My nephew took Bishop Charles’ clerical collar, put it in a tin of Ovaltine and covered the tin. We searched for hours for the collar. It was only that night when my mother was about to make cups of Ovaltine for some members of the family that she found the collar. 

Archbishop Pantin was also a regular visitor to our home. I recall the day when Archbishop Pantin, Archbishop Clarke (Jamaica), Archbishop Felix (now Cardinal Felix), Bishop Charles, and Bishop Mendes (now deceased) came to our home on their way to Rome. We were blessed to have had the opportunity to offer them a meal and a place to rest for a few hours before leaving for their flight to Rome. Of course, there was a lot of laughter as both Archbishop Pantin and Bishop Charles told us some real good jokes. 

An account has been opened at RBC and the Planning Committee is inviting anyone who wishes to donate towards the celebrations to do so at any RBC branch by making a deposit to the following account which is in the name of Rev Fr Sydney A Charles: 1000 8801 1429 884. Contact Peter Charles at 768-9238 for further information. 

Congratulations, Bishop Emeritus Charles.  May you have many more anniversaries and may God continue to bless you and your work. We love you lots. We continue to pray and thank God for your life and service and also for the lives and service of all our clergy and religious. May the Lord send us more men and women to serve in His vineyard. 

Bishop Emeritus Charles 

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