Reconciliation With Creation

Human beings were created in God’s image and likeness and given the responsibility to “cultivate and care for” God’s Creation (Genesis 2:15). The Church has always urged humankind to care for, preserve, develop and restore the environment.

Our responsibility as stewards of God’s creation must be placed within the context of the mystery of the Incarnation of God, which, as St Ambrose says “is the salvation of the whole of Creation”

See Our Archives to explore the Draft framework towards an Environmental Policy for the Archdiocese is a call to reflection and action if we are to address the environmental/ecological crisis which, as Pope Benedict XVI
says, is a moral crisis.

The urgency of the situation is expressed in the Pope’s words: “Our earth speaks to us, and we must listen if we want to survive.”(2007).

The objectives of this draft framework are: To bring the Gospel and the teachings of the Catholic Church to bear on the issue of environmental/ecological justice; To raise awareness of the Catholic Church’s commitment to promote human and environmental ecology as key elements to achieve authentic development for humankind and for
all of creation. To identify resources and practical ways in which individuals, parishes, schools, the public
and private sectors in Trinidad and Tobago can reconcile themselves with God’s creation.

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