God’s mercy is the ‘wacker’ 

by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI 

Pope Francis said in Laudato Si: “Young people demand change.” They themselves can be change agents. CCSJ and the Youth Commission will continue to create opportunities for youth to release their creativity and innovation. Spoken Word poetry is a valid form of communication; a genre that allows young people to express their views on issues that concern them. We thank the 12 youths who entered this year’s competition. They were: Adia Allyssa Alonzo, Kyle de Gannes, Keon Kayodé Cunningham, Mark Howell-Paul, Fidelis Iwueke, Isaiah John, Michael Logie, Maria Peters, Leeum Quan Kep, Carissa Rudulfo, Keno Samuel, and Emmanuel Villafana. Their ages ranged from 13 to 21 years old. 

The event was aired live on TCN on Friday, October 28, as part of Justice, Peace and Community Week. The theme was Living as credible witnesses to God’s mercy. Today, and in the next two issues of Catholic News, we will share the top three winning pieces. 

Here is the winning contribution from 20-year-old Emmanuel Villafana from St Phillips and St James Parish, Chaguanas. In the next two issues we will share Michael Logie’s (2nd place) and Carissa Rudulfo’s (3rd place) pieces. 

As you read, remember, that this is a non-traditional form of poetry. Spoken word poet, Sarah Kay, founder of Project Voice, says: “The powerful and important thing about spoken word is, it doesn’t matter what the words look like on paper, it’s about what it sounds like when you say it out loud.” 

Emmanuel Villafana. Taken from Facebook.Emmanuel Villafana. Taken from Facebook. 

“None Greater” by Emmanuel Villafana 

In a world where more bullets hit the ground than rain drops 

and a mother’s tears are not enough to stop her innocent boy from being shot 

they tell me by now our sons should be allowed to wear guns around their waists instead of belts simply to protect themselves 

and maybe it’s the fact that school bags are getting lighter 

because books being replaced with lighters for students to light ah piece ah grass and be merry 

but something about all these lighters making my heart more heavy 

because in a world where success is not defined by passing an exam 

but by puff puff passing grams of grind grass to graduate at the high-est degree 

they still tell me that we need not God’s mercy 

when the chains of technology gripping tighter than those from African slavery 


the average teen punches in over 2,000 keys a day while locked into Wi-Fi bars but not once takes charge and hits Esc 

it’s because the weight of peer pressure forces their fingers into submission 

and they no longer have permission to escape such mind control 

and we all know mind control starts at the top 

I guess that’s why we use the CAPS LOCK so much… 

and it’s so much so that youths don’t even know the difference between Cain and Abel 

and they still unable to tell me how the Tower of Babel could never get into the heavens 
but they could tell me about Jordans. 

But they don’t know that the day they choose Jordans over Jesus is the day they place him under their feet 

and every step they take is one step closer to the heat, weeping and gnashing of teeth 

when golden streets await those who simply believe 

so tell me 

why must we take burns if He was already bruised for our inequity 

and why must we be chastised into pieces when the chastisement of our piece is already upon Him 

Maybe you just need to read up on Him 

and you’ll see that although your sins may be as tall bush on land 

God’s mercy is the wacker for the wacker-man the way He makes a way where there seems to be no way 

and He said to say… 

we red and we ready 

because we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimonies 

so we red and we ready 

to take the test out of Thessalonians and make testimonies, 

to take the mess in our lives and make something like “messtimonies” 

when we understand that He took holes in His hands so that we could be made holy 

then it’s only fair that we give Him all the praise, honour and glory 

so it doesn’t matter if you’re locked up behind Wi-Fi bars 

God’s mercy will allow you to take charge and BE MOBILE out of every DIGI CELL 

so you could be for Jesus 

and He serious 

so if you representing Christ just do it 

and if you representing Him get to it!!!! 

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