Spoken Word on the state of the world 

by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI 

CCSJ and the Youth Commission are pleased to share with you the contribution of the 2nd prize winner of our recent Spoken Word Competition. See last week’s issue for Emmanuel Joseph’s winning piece. 

We are the World 
by Mark Howell-Paul 

This may sound a bit unorthodox 
but you don’t realise that cats 
does use their litter boxes 
but humans don’t? 

I’m sorry, but I can’t help but feel bitter 
when I see all this litter in the drain instead of the bin; 
it’s been bothering me ever since my mother started mothering me. 

I'm sorry, but I can't help but feel bitter when I see all this litter in the drain instead of the binI’m sorry, but I can’t help but feel bitter when I see all this litter in the drain instead of the bin 

You see, we have to remember 
that we were created from the creation by the creator 
so if we not taking care of it 
then we not taking care of ourselves 
and we not taking care of our Creator. 

We are the earth 
We Christians love to sing that song, 
“I am the vine and you are the branches!”. 
We are the branches of the trees that house the birds of the air. 
But we don’t seem to care 
because we cut our arms 
which are supposed to be extended 
to give alms to the poor 
and instead of giving shelter 
to those running helter-skelter in Barrackpore, 
we build homes for ourselves. 

We are the wind
We Christians love to sing that song, 
“This is the air I breathe!”. 
Is polluted air really what you allow to pass through your nostrils? 
I’m getting chills just thinking about it. 
It’s so sad that we regard very breath of God 
which gave us life doesn’t seem to be sustainable enough, 
so we substitute it for to machines 
that pollute and refute His very essence, 
forgetting that its essential.” 

We are fire
We as Christians love to sing that song, “Fire, fire, fire, fire fall on us!”. 
This fire is meant for us to use it for good, 
but we like to play with it. 
If yuh play with fire…yuh gonna get burn. 
I feel a deep burning inside 
when I see the forests being burned down 
in order for foreign contractors 
to develop unnecessary malls and stalls and halls and walls 
all because we use our fire for the wrong purpose. 

We are water. 
We as Christians love to sing that song, “Springs of living water!”. 
Well, you can’t come to this well if it is…well…polluted. 
This living water not supposed to have dead fish. 
I wish we were not so selfish! 
Our bodies are 75 per cent water but we focus on our 25 per cent. 
We spill our fill of oil in the water, 
not realizing that it doh mix 
but we does catch kix 
and cook with more oil than water 
so we get unhealthy and rotten just like the fish we kill. 

We are elements of nature
We have to nurture it. 
We can’t ignore the fact that we are connected. 
The 5th commandment tells us to honour our father and mother. 
So we have a duty honour 
and take care of our father God and our Mother Earth. 

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