Eliminating violence against women 

Coryal SylvesterCoryal Sylvester 

By Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ & Director, CREDI 

On November25, the world will observe International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. “Violence against women continues to be an obstacle to achieving equality, development, peace as well as to the fulfilment of women and girls’ human rights. 

All in all, the promise of the Sustainable Development Goals—to leave no one behind—cannot be fulfilled without putting an end to violence against women and girls” (UN). Such violence manifests itself in physical, sexual and psychological forms. 

19-year-old UWI student, Coryal Sylvester, placed third in CCSJ’s and CYC’s Spoken Word Competition. Her poem below is worth reflecting on as we strive to promote justice for all: 

IMMIGRATION by Coryal Sylvester 

Her eyes were an empty canvas, 

Blank…as she stared 

And my authoritative words continued to fall unto deaf ears 

Because she was tuned into another frequency, 

One which I could neither speak nor understand… 

since my tongue was of an English not a Spanish motherland. 

But body language was a universal translation 

And blank eyes transformed into tumultuous turrets of terror-induced tears, 

From thoughts of traumatic events too fresh to be healed by time. 

So in my human nature, I reached out to her 

And I felt the quick beat beat beating of her heart 

As if she feared another beating 

From the dead-beat dad 

Who left his family to form another familia with her 

Only to leave her with bruises the colour beetroot 

Taking advantage of her uprootedness 

Because her roots weren’t of this soil 

And even though they were replanted 

It was only one generation deep. 

She came from a land rich in gold. 

Black gold. 

That was now worth nothing 

Meant nothing 

When compared to a simple toilet paper roll. 

She was willing to trade guns to fill her empty stomach 

Because to her a belly full of food 

Was worth more than a potential body full of bullets. 

Bullets that she herself had seen far too often 

From the people meant to protect and serve her. 

Bullets that pierced the walls of her heart when she realised that she was no longer considered 

human but was rather objectified and labelled ‘Venezuelan’ 

She wasn’t raised to live like this 

She didn’t expect this 

She didn’t just want to just exist 

For some other man’s pleasure 

For she was an A-class scholar 

But that didn’t matter 

When all anybody ever wanted from her 

was her garden’s flower. 

She had to work for pittance behind closed doors 

Because her status was still illegal alien 

Even though her work was definitely invaluable 

It was made very clear to her that she was replaceable 

But she didn’t want to be continuously exploited by some handsy employer 

For she still had some dignity left in her. 

And there was no use working a job that couldn’t fill your belly 

And she needed to make money so she turned a blind eye to her new job’s legality. 

Now her entire future was held in my glove-clad hand 

I was the God of her situation 

Silently seeking her sincere supplication 

Because mi casa no es tu casa 

My house was not hers 

Even though she wanted it to be 

And like many, I didn’t wish to share my space with this supposed exotic kind 

Of curvy, caramel-skinned, coffee-eyed, cardiac myopathy inducing creature of God’s artistic creation. 

She was in immigration detention, illicit arms found in her possession 

Never in her wildest imagination 

Did she expect to be this close to incarceration 

But I saw her desperation 

Having been betrayed by her family, not just her nation 

Trafficked by her own blood relation. 

Now with no-one to trust 

She was thrust into the world of being a refugee 

Living illegally 

Desperate for some semblance of normalcy 

And I was about to send her back to her personal hell 

Where her survival wasn’t a guarantee 

Or… well…. she could stay in this country 

But be constantly at the mercy of people who would blame her for their own failed relationships 

Or be used and abused by both men and women taking advantage of her lack of citizenship. 

Because she would never be considered a Trini. 

Her story, sadly wasn’t even a unique one, I’d heard so many just like it 

So I couldn’t play favourites 

The law dictated that deportation was her verdict 

So even though she cried and cried and cried 

I simply handed her her plane ticket. 

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