The Wider We 

Jada-Marie PierreJada-Marie Pierre 

The annual Spoken Word Competition organised by the Catholic Commission for Social Justice was held Saturday, November 20 under the theme The Ever Wider We
Here is ‘The Wider We’ by Jada-Marie Pierre which emerged as first place winner. 


“Does anyone know the definition of us? See us is what love is thus it pulses in our most natural impulses, compulsing joyous convulses. 
So, us is you and I or mother and child or friend and enemy cause to forgive is divine. 
See, us is bigger than Satan’s plan yet it starts with just any man to trigger an earth-shaking revolution, the bigger bang. 
Cause unity runs deeper than any river can. It will cleanse your heart to spick and span. Choosing love… that one decision can change the world into a different land.  

A society that’s amalgamated, free of chains and emancipated. One where all discrimination whether race-based or non-vaccinated is eradicated. Where the voiceless are advocated for, furthermore where respect is reciprocated. 
Where every move from government isn’t politically motivated, where the uneducated or the poor or those who from their countries have been evacuated live in a world where their humanity is appreciated.  

To immediately mediate these, we just need some creative ingenuity, and we’d have a community beautifully lined with opportunities for unity. You’d agree that luckily, we have these things and more queued at the door so what is it that we’re waiting for. 

You see it doesn’t take a Bill Nye to realise all the Me’s and I’s are detrimental, it shouldn’t take a pro to compose a prose to explain something so fundamental. 
Let each step you take make long strides in change don’t let your toes be ornamental. Let those with ears hear and be pioneers where ever they may steer the enemy is faced with fear because he knows that these cavaliers won’t be gentle. 
Strap on your breastplate, look for the best ways to get to checkmate we can no longer just spectate but gestate a just state and who knows, you and I might be instrumental. Brave hearts can spark a revolution that’s transcontinental.  

We don’t have to break the bank to make change good faith is a battering ram so take aim. But it’s folly we leave it for hobby we have to embody God, he sees that we’re just one body many parts. 
Perfectly crafted works of art even Mozart would remark that there’s no greater masterpiece than the wider we fine winery, so refined are we, ebony and ivory,  

so why are we a divided society when one person can’t win a war singlehanded? 
It takes an army working in harmony rallied around a common goal and enchanted. 
So, unity needs to be in our bloodstreams embedded and implanted and joy is a thing we can’t take for granted because it doesn’t take much to quell a fear or mend a tear or send a prayer or lend an ear or kill your enemies with kindness to render their defences bare. 
So, remember we’re together here and that it’s not us vs them, it’s not Trinis vs Venez or the few vs the many or the poor vs the wealthy or the dimes vs the penny pinchers. 
It’s the twenty-first century yet we still can’t see the bigger picture so, let’s look at the writing on the wall and the scriptures really take in just how much hatred injures. It’s a stake in the heart not just a splinter and it’s not confusing arithmetic or long division, to see what a parasitic tic is this prolonged division. 
Selfishness it’s the wrong decision, that will lead to a fatal head-on collision. And I’m sure it doesn’t take much to listen to this young lady on your television. How many emissions of the same petitions would it take for contrition when it’s a must what we need is more us? 

I’m starting to sound French with all these We’s. I’m holding my breath and clench my teeth, waiting for you my friends to hear my pleas. 
The enemy is envy or hearts that are empty lacking empathy. It takes more energy to hate than to love, it’s easier to forgive than it is to hold a grudge, so when are we going to make peace with each other and piece together we’re all sisters and brothers. 
I guarantee there’s serenity when we see that simply we’re all just a wider we. Past political parties a wider we, healthy passing biopsies a wider we, wholly and entirely a wider we, every day, entire week a wider we, strength in numbers lonesome weak a wider we, equals no hierarchies a wider we. 
We are the wider we! 

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