Give the gift of Love

By Darrion M Narine, Programme Coordinator, CCSJ/AMMR

On the darkest day, the star of wonder must continue to burn bright.

The world is going through a process that will change the way we plan and think about the future.

Lives have been lost during this period and around the Christmas table there are now empty seats and memories of those who were once loved. The season itself has been plagued with financial woes and worries as many families are trying to make ends meet.

That is why it is important to remember the reason for the season. Christ was born in a manger. He was born into a world of poverty but also a world of riches.

Although our Lord and Saviour may have been financially poor, He was born into a world filled with the riches of love. Mary and Joseph loved Jesus with all their heart. This love of family is a richness that many now wish for in our society. It is a love that comes from God.

Although this Christmas may have been filled with challenges and less gifts under the tree, it is also filled with opportunity to connect with family or friends with whom we may have had a disagreement, give to those who are in need, share a meal with someone who lives alone, bond with the elderly or to share love.

Do not wait until people are no longer with us or until they are sick. Take every opportunity you have during this Christmas season and into the New Year to share the greatest gift of all—the gift of love.

In a time where many feel isolated and alone, it is our Christian duty to share love and speak with those who may just need a listening ear. It is also important that we begin to search for ways to build stronger families, as we work towards a more connected and loving society.

Regardless of what your family structure may look like, centre it around the love of Christ. Only then shall we truly experience a gift of joy that nothing under the tree could compare to.

As we begin to cast our gaze on 2022, let us end 2021 with a movement towards the strengthening of our spirits and of love in the world. Now more than ever, our country and our world have to become more than a society or a community. It must become a family.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

May your world be filled with the gifts of love and joy.


“Often, underneath the intricacies of economic, financial, and political interconnections, there remain misunderstandings, hardships and injustice. The flow of technological know-how increases, but it is those in possession of it who benefit, while the situation on the ground for the peoples who live in its shadow remains unchanged: for them there is little chance of emancipation.” (71)   

—Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, ‘Caritas In Veritate’                                               

CCSJ Social Justice Education Committee

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