Top 10 Ways To Teach Your Child About Love

How can we teach our children to Love God?

  1. Firstly, it is important to teach our children that God Loves them unconditionally. Teach them that they are children of God, made in His Image and Likeness and that they are precious.
  2. Give examples to your children of God’s Love and mercy towards them. This would in turn teach your children that if God Loves them and is Merciful, then they too should Love and show compassion and Mercy to their friends, neighbours, members of their community, and by extension to every single human being that they may meet as they journey through life. When shown that God is Love and God loves me unconditionally with all my faults, flaws, imperfections, and sins, then it gives the child the confidence to love himself/herself.
  3. Teach children to pray. Educate them on the fundamental prayers of the Catholic Church and teach them the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes.
  4. Explain that talking to God is also a form of prayer. Children should learn that they can turn to God with all their problems and burdens. Help them to understand from an early age that through surrendering to God’s Love they can conquer any and all problems in Life.
  5. It is important for children to understand that God is not separate and apart from them, but that God lives in their Hearts and Souls. God is the Source of All Love.
  6. Demonstrate the importance of incorporating God into every aspect of their lives and into every sphere of their beings. Every thought, every action, every deed should and must be done in communion with Almighty God, Our Lord and Saviour. Teach them about the Holy Trinity – Father, Son and Holy spirit, and about how the Holy Spirit works in our daily lives. If this is truly understood then you will be one step closer to enabling your children to fully experience the Love of God in their Hearts and every thought, word Deed will be done with Love for God, Humanity, Creation, and Self.
  7. Spend time together reading the Bible and teaching them the many ways that Jesus shows how to love. Read the Scriptures to them. Explain the moral and spiritual lessons from which we can learn in the Parables in the Bible, and how they relate to us in the 21st Century.
  8. When children understand or have some sense of the depth of God’s love for them, they automatically become more confident with who they are as people and they build self-esteem and love of self. They develop a strong foundation that will be better able to withstand peer pressure that can lure them into the abyss of substance abuse and other social evils. 
  9. By our examples we can teach our children to see God in everybody. If they know and understand that God is Love and that God Loves unconditionally, then it becomes easier to understand that Love and God reside within the hearts of All. We are all children of God and we are all connected. Therefore, the call to love my brother / my neighbour as myself comes naturally.
  10. During these challenging times, as we face Covid 19 together, we can use this period to try little activities to promote healthy family life. During these activities, we can nurture our children and show love such as:
  • Spending Quality time together without the distractions of the television, Phones, and social media devices
  • Having Meals together
  • Playing Board games or outdoor activities
  • Connecting as a Family to attend Mass together
  • Talk to each other about the many ways in which God has Blessed your Family, your Friends, your Neighbours, your Colleagues -with Gratitude and Love in your Hearts.

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