SEASON OF CREATION 2022: Listen to the Voice of Creation

“… Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian, and he led the flock to the far side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush.

The 1st of September marks the very beginning of this year’s Season of Creation. 


What is Season of Creation? 

It’s the time of year when people from all faiths and backgrounds are called to commune with nature. It is a time for celebration of, and appreciation for, our common home. 



For us, this year’s Season of Creation is dedicated to the basis of all vitality and sustenance on this planet – soil.  

Soil is the foundation for the food that we eat, and for the plants and animals that depend on the environment to survive. It’s an essential part to the overall health of our Earth, and all the living beings who inhabit it.


That’s why we’re joining the


What is the Save Soil Movement?

Started by Sadghuru as one of his many initiatives to promote spirituality through connection to nature, the Save Soil Movement seeks to raise awareness on the importance of soil, sustainable farming and why soil degradation is becoming a major environmental issue.


SO LOOK OUT because this month we’re getting in touch with our local farmers to learn more about soil health! 


Join us as we discuss composting tips, local soil health, perma-culture, and all soil-related activism.


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