Shine forth with the light and life of your faith!

Welcome to the start of our annual JUSTICE, PEACE AND COMMUNITY WEEK – a week dedicated to spreading love and light through community activism. For this year, we’re tackling social justice issues from every angle. Take a look at our packed calendar of events, and KEEP UP with the latest on JPC Week on our Facebook & Instagram page. 



November 12th – Chaguanas Refugee Day; streamed live with CatholicTT! Get a closer look at what goes on during our Refugee Outreach Days, and find out more about the work we do and how you can help.  


November 13th –  CCSJ and the Catholic Education Board of Management team up for a prayer heard around the world – we’re offering our thoughts to the students who study even in poverty. 


November 14th  – Refugee Day media blast; take a closer look behind the scenes at one of our biggest outreach efforts of the years. The AMMR has been tirelessly working to offer support to our local migrant and refugee community, and we’re offering you a first hand look! 


November 15th  – ASK WHY SERIES; SPECIAL EDITION. Poverty in the Pandemic – how do we support the poor in our own times of need? Our revered Ask Why panelists seek to address the question in this spectacular special edition of CCSJ’s Ask Why series. 


November 16th  – WORLD DAY OF THE POOR TOOLKIT. Have the Pope’s message for this year’s World Day of the Poor in a from everyone can understand! CSSJ is bringing you an in-depth analysis of the Pope’s message this year backed up by real world statistics to give you the best detailed look at what poverty looks like in a post-pandemic world.  


November 17th  – All About Social Justice Principles. Ever wondered what Catholic social justice teachings really are? Well CCSJ is taking the time to explain them all! Listen to the voices of CCSJ members both past and present as we delve into all of the principles that represent catholic social justice, what they mean, and how we can practice them in our daily lives.  


November 18th  – ‘A Prayer for the Sake of the Poor: An Intercessory Prayer with CCSJ & CatholicTT.’ Featuring CCSJ and friends once more! We ask our Father for comfort for solace for those who continue to live in poverty.  


November 20th  – CCSJ and friends give back to nature with a beach clean up and nature hike. Follow along as we clean up Maracas Beach and take a wonderful walk through Avocat Waterfalls. 

If you want to support us as we go through Justice, Peace and Community week – VISIT US ON THE FOLLOWING PLATFORMS:


Instagram: @social_justicett




See you there!

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