CCSJ'S World Day of the Poor Toolkit



Want to see Catholic philosophy paired with real life statistics? 

Do you have questions on why we recognize poverty and social exclusion as a fundamental in our social teaching? Have you ever wanted a more simplified, bare-bones version of the Pope’s message? 

Today, we’re bringing you all that and more with CCSJ’S World Day of the Poor toolkit! 

Arm yourself with valuable knowledge! This toolkit will provide you with all the information you need to feel inspired to make a difference. Based on the Holy Father Pope Francis’ message for the Sixth Annual World Day of the Poor (taken from 2 Corinthians 8:9 – ‘For your sakes, Christ became poor…’ – you’ll have a good general knowledge of what it means to be ‘poor’ in the modern day and age. We offer you an extensive analysis of the Pope’s message, acknowleding the effects of the recent Ukrainan War as we live through the aftershocks of the Covid-19 pandemic.  



DOWNLOAD your copy of CCSJ’s World Day of the Poor toolkit here! 

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