Invest in teachers 

by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI  October 5 is World Teachers’ Day. Its aim is “to mobilise support for teachers and to ensure that the needs of future generations will continue to be met by teachers”. The theme for 2014 is Invest in the future, invest in teachers.  If we are to invest […]

Stop ‘murder by legal sentence’ 

by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI  “The death penalty is contrary to the meaning of  humanitas and to divine mercy, which should be the model for men’s justice. It implies cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment…As St Ambrose teaches, God did not want to punish Cain for the murder, as He wants the repentance […]

Questions about the Civil Society Board 

by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI  Good governance involves creating a culture that will facilitate participatory governance – with a clear understanding of the roles and functions of the various stakeholders; a culture that is devoid of feelings of mistrust.  On Wednesday, September 17, I attended a National Forum on the Establishment of […]

Building Inclusive Communities 

by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI  “…you should all agree among yourselves and be sympathetic; love the brothers and sisters, have compassion and be self-effacing. Never pay back one wrong with another, or an angry word with another one; instead, pay back with a blessing. That is what you are called to do, […]

Right of Peoples to Peace 

by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI  “Peace and security are essential foundations for social progress and sustainable development… We must douse the fires of extremism and tackle the root causes of conflict. Peace is a long road that we must travel together…Let us all reflect on peace – and what it means for […]

Promoting harmony in Notting Hill 

by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI  Everyone involved in Notting Hill Carnival (NHC) in London – Europe’s largest street festival, knows that the Mass at St Mary of the Angels RC Church in Moorhouse Road, W2, is an important ‘prelude’ before the masqueraders take to the streets. Our own Fr Robert Christo was […]

Making Jesus the centre of our lives 

by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI  Like Peter, in today’s Gospel (Matthew 16:13-20), Catholics believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the Living God. This belief has implications for us as followers of Jesus. If we follow Him, then He will be at the centre of our lives; our morals and […]

Light a candle for peace 

by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI  As I sat through a candle-light vigil in London on the evening of Monday, August 4, to mark the centenary of the First World War (WWI) (1914-1918), my heart was full – full of pain because of all the armed conflict/wars that are being waged in our […]

The Global Common Good 

by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI  CCSJ wishes to share with readers the following Statement produced by the group of 67 persons, led by Cardinal Peter Turkson, who gathered at the Vatican on July 11 & 12 for a seminar organised by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace titled: “The Global Common […]

International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples 

by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI  “The interests of the indigenous peoples must be part of the new development agenda in order for it to succeed…Together, let us recognize and celebrate the valuable and distinctive identities of indigenous peoples around the world. Let us work even harder to empower them and support their […]