Injustices still disfigure our age. Today the critical social justice issues that confront us in our country & the world are varied, as can be seen from the issues that we bring attention to.

An extensive history of fighting for human rights.

What we stand for.

There can be no neutrality in the face of social injustice – it should be a common concern for all of us. The struggle for social justice is the struggle for an order of life that is founded on real spiritual and moral values.

Listen to the call.

God is forever calling us to newness of life. We are called to be doers of the Word and not just hearers only. By our actions as Catholics, we are called to be beacons of the Church’s pastoral, prophetic and priestly concern for social justice. We are called to give genuine and authentic witness to Christ by the quality of our daily lives.



The Church’s teachings on social justice deal with establishing, maintaining and promoting right relationships between persons and the common good of peoples, societies and the entire earth. Of course, we need a plan on how to achieve that!

Take a look at our Actions Plans throughout the years.

Learn more about how we conduct our business, both inside and out. 

Discover what we plan to accomplish as our reach grows.

What we plan to do and where we see ourselves in the future.

All of the Church’s social teachings are included in the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church. However, sometimes we may need guidance to help interpret it.

Take a look at our compendium guide to help you!




Read through our Parish Link articles – a column dedicated to reaching out to parishes around the country to inform them of social justice issues.

Though now defunct, the VVFP pilot project in 2008, the VVFP has since been run in 2009, 2010 and 2011. It focuses on students who have completed the annual Secondary Entrance Assessment examination. The goal of the VVFP is to instill proper Catholic Christian values, morals and virtues in children  attending Catholic primary schools across the Archdiocese of Port of Spain. 

Look at our Values & Virtues resources here!



Throughout its existence, the CCSJ has put forth many public addresses that have been published in press as well as the wider web. 

Take a read through them here!

What is Catholic Social Justice and how did it come to by? How do we apply its teachings, tenets  and principles to the issues we face in our every day lives? The Ask Why Series is here to help – hosted by Leela Ramdeen,  the Ask Why Series seeks to ask questions and give guidance on who we are and why we believe what we believe.



As a wealth of resources and history within the Catholic religion, the Catholic Commission for Social Justice always encourages our information to be utilized, especially for educational purposes! If you’d like to get in contact with us to find out how you can do that, read all the details in our Permission Policy!

Read Here

CCSJ/AMMR have had many campaigns over the years, seeking to address the many facets of social justice in society. Take a look at all of our special focuses through the years – from capital punishment to family life, we tackle every aspect of injustice, immorality and disrespect of basic human rights.