“All pastoral work, including promoting social justice and providing for the poor, must be nourished by prayer.”

“Charity and justice are not just social action but are spiritual action realized in the light of the Holy Spirit.”

“We must not lose ourselves to pure activism, but always let our actions be penetrated by the light and the word of God and, that way, learn real charity.”

The Importance of Prayer

Our social justice work must be underpinned by prayer.  Without contemplating and internalising God’s word daily, one risks being suffocated by too heavy a workload and one’s heart risks hardening to the wisdom of the Holy Spirit.  Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has said, “charity and justice are not social action but are spiritual action realised in the light of the Holy Spirit”.

It is through prayer and reflection on God’s word that people can “respond to every challenge and situation with wisdom, understanding and fidelity to God’s will.”

Justice and Peace will not become a reality unless our prayer is linked to action.
Individual connection.

Our God is a God of justice and mercy. He wants the best for us. He wants us to remain in Him. To promote Justice and Peace we need to pray and work.

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Sanctity of Life and Dignity of Persons

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