Migrant integration through sports

By Darrion Narine, Acting Chair, CCSJ and Programme Manager, AMMR The Archdiocese Ministry for Migrants and Refugees (AMMR) supported a migrant football team in the annual Suburban Vicariate Youth and Young Adults (SUVY) Football Competition on July 23. The team came together, practised, and entered the competition with only one focus in mind: winning. They […]

Youth participation in the life of the Church

By Kaelanne Jordanmediarelations.camsel@catholictt.org “You ever went to church, and after the Mass… everybody… people just jump in their car and buss out?” Catholic Commission for Social Justice’s (CCSJ) Acting Chair and Programme Manager, Archdiocesan Ministry for Migrants and Refugees (AMMR) Darrion Narine posed this question to participants on night four (Thursday, August 4) of virtual […]

We plan our course, but the Lord determines our steps…

Leela Ramdeen is the first in our Catholic Icons web series. Parts one and two appeared in the July 3 and 17 issues respectively. This is the conclusion. On August 25, 1995, my mother died in London at the age of 66 years. We were devastated as her death was unexpected. After my marriage failed, […]

Give our youth space to innovate and create

SOCIAL JUSTICE – rcsocialjustice.org By Darrion Narine Acting Chair, CCSJ and Programme Manager, AMMR World Youth Skills Day was recognised on July 15, 2022. The globe has moved towards the empowerment of young people and the recognition of their contributions, especially when planning to build a sustainable future. Young people are developing new skills and […]

Visit to Rwanda – a lesson on forgiveness and progress

SOCIAL JUSTICE – rcsocialjustice.org By Darrion Narine CCSJ/AMMR Programme Coordinator Rwanda experienced one of the worst atrocities in human history 28 years ago. A genocide against the Tutsi people resulted in over one million deaths, and disrupted the country’s social, political, moral, cultural, and economic operations. But most of all, it impacted the conscience of […]

Working for racial justice in the UK

Leela Ramdeen, a champion of Social Justice, before becoming Chair, Catholic Commission for Social Justice (CCSJ) and the Archdiocese’s Ministry for Migrants and Refugees (AMMR) was a longstanding advocate for fairness and justice. She is also the first in our Catholic Icons web series. This is part two of the series. Part one appeared in […]

The Ocean: humanity in deep waters

SOCIAL JUSTICE – rcsocialjustice.org By Darrion Narine, CCSJ/AMMR Programme Coordinator Earlier in June, we celebrated World Oceans Day which brings awareness to the biodiversity and importance of our world’s oceans. The ocean is home to a variety of species of marine life and forms an important part of the global ecosystem. Two thirds of the […]

Life is a journey

SOCIAL JUSTICE – rcsocialjustice.org By Leela Ramdeen Consultant, CCSJ/AMMR & Director, CREDI My many years of service as Episcopal Delegate for Social Justice/Chair of CCSJ & AMMR came to an end on June 30. When I returned to T&T from England, I had planned to work with my father and sister as an attorney-at-law, and […]

OUR CATHOLIC ICONS: Leela Ramdeen’s passion for justice

Leela Ramdeen, a champion of Social Justice, before becoming Chair, Catholic Commission for Social Justice (CCSJ) and the Archdiocese’s Ministry for Migrants and Refugees (AMMR) was a long-standing advocate for fairness and justice. She is also the first in our Catholic Icons web series. Below is an extract of the initial interview of Ramdeen by […]

Reaching out in humanity

SOCIAL JUSTICE – rcsocialjustice.org Matthew Pierre, Community Liaison Officer, AMMR The underlying challenge causing all other challenges faced by migrants and refugees is the lack of a refugee law enacted within Trinidad & Tobago. With this piece of legislation, the state would permanently recognise migrants/asylum seekers as having the status of a refugee, which would […]