Synod and social justice

By Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ & Director, CREDI “Do you live what you believe?” —Pope Paul VI, Evangelii Nuntiandi, 1975) The diocesan phase of the global synodal process, officially entitled ‘Toward a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, Mission’ began on Sunday, October 17, 2021. The first phase runs from October 2021 – April 2022 in dioceses […]

Lent: a time for renewing faith, hope and love 

By Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ & Director, CREDI  “Lent is a time for deeper dialogue with God through prayer, for renewed gratitude for God’s mercy and for increased compassion for people whose lives are under attack.” Pope Francis.  Pope Francis’ Lenten message this year, is entitled: “Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem” (Mt 20:18). […]

Addressing the root causes of crime 

By Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ & Director, CREDI  “They are not cockroaches.  They are not monsters. They are of us. Raised for better or worse by this society which continues to enable them. Hypocrisy will not save us. We must find the courage to create change”—Verna St Rose Greaves, social worker, social activist.  Let’s join […]

Give not in your name, give in the name of God

social justice – As we journey through the Synod together, the CCSJ recommends that each member of our Church adopts an approach of listening, not only to those of our own faith, but also adherents of other religions in T&T, including Hinduism. According to the 2018 Trinidad and Tobago International Religious Freedom report, 18.2 […]

Let’s find a humane way to address the migrant situation – CCSJ on infant’s deat

The Catholic Commission for Social Justice (CCSJ) and the Archdiocese’s Ministry for Migrants and Refugees (AMMR) extend deepest condolences to the family and all those affected by tragic death of a young Venezuelan infant and the injury of his mother, on Saturday, February 5 when the Coast Guard of Trinidad and Tobago intercepted their boat. […]

Fraternal solidarity with the sick 

By Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ & Director, CREDI  The theme of Pope Francis’ message for the 29th World Day of the Sick on February 11 is: You have but one teacher and you are all brothers (Mt 23:8).    It is “drawn from the Gospel passage in which Jesus criticises the hypocrisy of those who […]

Working together to alleviate poverty

By Dominique Heffes-Doon, CCSJ/AMMR To commemorate World Day of the Poor, November 14, 2021, CCSJ hosted, with His Grace, an interfaith conversation, comprised of key religious figures in T&T. Collaboration is essential if we are to ease human suffering, exacerbated by the global pandemic. In keeping with the Synod 2021–2023 process, this event allowed us […]

Building Human Fraternity 

By Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ & Director, CREDI  “The true worth of the different countries of our world is measured by their ability to think not simply as a country but also as part of the larger human family” (Fratelli Tutti, 141). On Thursday, February 4, the world will observe the first International Day of Human […]

Tribute to Justice Andre des Vignes

By Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ & AMMR It is with profound sadness and a heavy heart that I learned about the passing on Monday, January 24 of one of Trinidad and Tobago’s champions for justice, my friend, retired Court of Appeal Judge, Justice Andre des Vignes. I first became acquainted with Andre when I returned […]

Peace be with you

Social Justice: “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who announces peace” (Is 52:7). On February 4, the United Nations (UN) calls us to commemorate the International Day of Human Fraternity. This commemoration was first celebrated in 2021 but originated from the landmark meeting between Pope Francis and the Grand […]