Legal Aid Clinic: Register Now

Join us for the next Legal Aid Clinic, July 22nd 5 PM-6.30 PM. Do you live in Trinidad and Tobago and have legal issues that require the attention of a highly experienced lawyer? Spaces are limited so REGISTER NOW to book your spot in our next Private and Free legal aid clinic:

Leela’s Top Picks: End Racism!

“Racism is such a stain on humanity!” Yesterday’s Euro 2020 final once again showed the levels of racism that still exist in our world. Our Chair of the CCSJ, Leela Ramdeen, has been fighting racist attitudes and advocating for equality and peaceful societies for over 40 years! As a lawyer who advises on human rights […]

Children on remand 

Photo by Obed john on Unsplash  By Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ & Director, CREDI  “Instances of racism continue to shame us, for they show that our supposed social progress is not as real or definitive as we think.” —Pope Francis.  In T&T, our Church has been speaking out over the years about the number of […]

Top 10 Ways To Teach Your Child About Love

How can we teach our children to Love God? Firstly, it is important to teach our children that God Loves them unconditionally. Teach them that they are children of God, made in His Image and Likeness and that they are precious. Give examples to your children of God’s Love and mercy towards them. This would […]

‘The Advocate’ – CCSJ’s advocacy magazine 

Cover of The Advocate  By Darrion Narine, Programme Coordinator, CCSJ and Archdiocesan Ministry for Migrants and Refugees  In a world where social ills continue to dominate our society, it is essential that people begin to equip themselves with the necessary skills and inspiration to find solutions. That was the dominant idea behind the development of the […]

Building an inclusive future 

Photo of the broadcast of the seminar on Latin America, organised by the Vatican. Photo: ECLAC website,    By Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ & Director, CREDI  Today, Sunday, the world observes Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSME) Day, which aims to raise public awareness of their contribution to sustainable development, poverty alleviation and the […]

The Advocate – Your Copy

Welcome to the Advocate! Within these pages you’ll learn about the Catholic Commission for Social Justice and the Archdiocese’s Ministry for Migrants and Refugees. It is our sincerest hope that our ministry touches and inspires you to reach out and enrich your own community in whatever way you can. As Pope Francis reminds us, “we […]

Investing in fathers 

Photo by Mohamed Awwam on Unsplash  By Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ & Director, CREDI  “Every family needs a father – a father who shares in his family’s joy and pain, hands down wisdom to his children, and offers them firm guidance and love…a father should be close to his wife, to share everything, joy and […]

We must be sowers of the seed 

by Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ and Director, CREDI  “…never tire of working for a more just world, marked by greater solidarity!” (Pope Francis).  Today’s gospel, Mark 4: 26–34, reminds me of the way in which the many gifts in our Archdiocese are being harnessed by Archbishop Jason to sow/spread the Word of God.  Founder of […]

Will a world divided against itself last? 

By Leela Ramdeen, Chair, CCSJ & Director, CREDI  “If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot last.  And if a household is divided against itself, that household can never stand.” (Mark 3:25)  I urge you to read today’s gospel (Mk 3:20–35) carefully. In a world that is fraught with division and hate, there […]